The flight over to Paris was fine. I really don't suffer from jet lag much. A friend from Dusseldorf drove down from Germany( very kind) and picked me up at the airport..which was so great because I had to go to two different places to get my things for the show.
First BIG bump...No case.The 100 lb case with all of my marketing and display materials for my PARIS show had not been delivered.Next step was to find out where it was.It tuned out that it was confiscated by customs...( hours and many phone calls later) because of (declared, American) alligator skin in the case.When I finally got to bed..Paris time, yesterday...I had been up for 39 hours straight. I'm very proud that I wasn't delerious from sleep deprivation.

Today started with trying to get hold of the FEDEX manager ( no time for breakfast) and heading to the airport, to come back and go the primary FEDEX office, because they were the only ones who would deal with me. Customs had a lock down on the case and by 1pm I had to leave the FEDEX office because there was no resolution in sight.

The FEDEX people were kind enough to give me a double espresso, and I since I don't drink coffee, and hadn't eaten- I was well buzzed. My friend came and picked me up from there at 1pm. with two chocolate croissants and we went for lunch to the Hotel Costes. Beauty, tranquility and good food for half an hour (and Orlando Bloom) and then over to the Tuilleries to set up what I could at the show.

All the merchants had their cases...except for me. An e-mail had come that they couldn't deliver my cases because they hadn't been paid for. Even though the money( which had been wire transferred) had been taken out of my account- at this point I had to go and CONVINCE them with my papers that all was as it should be. It was 3 pm and they said my cases would be delivered by 6 pm.At 5 pm they told me that they would not be delievering the cases until mid-day...tomorrow..opening day, and the show opened at 9 am. I kept my cool and INSISTED that I HAD TO HAVE my cases !! That they had been paid for,that the error was THEIRS and that I had spent thousands of dollars and had the right to try and sell my jewerly from the cases I had rented!
It has been... difficult ( is that enough of an understatement?) and way beyond, beyond , beyond frustrating. Enough. It is what it is, and 'the show will go on' and the jewelry is beautiful without display pillows and neck stands.

We shall see. 'Que sera, sera."

I was invited to an art opening in St. Germain de Pres tonight and met some very cool and nice people.Roberto Cavalli's daughter was there, and everyone LOVED my jewelry.

Time for bed. Midight here in the city of lights.