No Rest for the Weary... meaning "Something's Cooking"

So I was supposed to take it a bit slower this week... but "NO"... there are forces in the universe that have other plans for me.

I was supposed to be in NY for the WWD summit in 2 weeks, with the Gala event at Christie's October 2nd.( My shoes for my outfit for the party- 5" red satin slingback pumps arrived today. They are so pretty you want to eat them !!) WWD Magazine let us know this afternoon, that my gift proposal- with my book- will be included in the gift bags for all the 250 attendees of the event.These are the top 250 people in the fashion wide ( don't ask how I [ & Mahlia Collection] got in...long story) .... and they need to be done and delivered in NY by the 20th. Today, at 3:30...that gave me 4 working days to assemble and ship, 250 gift packages of about 1 lb each across the country. The freight alone to get everything there on time was was going to kill me.

I had quick fire decisions to make... and the only way to get it done...was to go to NY on Monday, finish the bags there and deliver them on Tuesday myself. This was an amazing opportunity that was not to be missed!

I am still on Paris know? Trying to get all my Paris leads, stories and return shipments organized.. and yet I will do what I need to do... and head a few days , to help build my name and my brand.
( Do I sound like a cowgirl? Maybe the southwest is finally rubbing off on me;)))

Ticket bought, hotel just booked...I'm planning my strategy to package then 250 gifts in my hotel room.

I don't want an ordinary life.....yet, maybe never. I am living my dream every day and I know that I am extraordinarily lucky. REALLY tired... and lucky.
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